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Polyrhachis Dives care

Polyrhachis Dives is a beautiful, silvery-gold ant with aggressive behaviour.

We are excited to introduce you to the fascinating world of the Polyrhachis dives, a species of exotic weaver ant that is gaining popularity among ant keepers. The second-best favourite ants in our top 10. The first place is held by the Asian Weaver Ants - Oecophylla smaragdina. Polyrhachis dives aka exotic spiny ants belong to the diverse Polyrhachis genus, known for their incredible silk-spinning abilities used in nest construction.


As experienced antkeepers and suppliers, we acquired a colony of Polyrhachis dives on our annual trip to China in 2007, and we plan to share our journey of caring for this Asian weaver ant species, including setting up their polyrhachis dives nest and understanding their unique dietary needs. Get ready to explore the captivating behaviours and characteristics that make the Polyrhachis Dives queen and workers such intriguing creatures!


Habitat and Behavior

Polyrhachis dives, the Asian weaver ant, is a fascinating species with unique habitat preferences and behaviours. These ants thrive in hot and humid environments, requiring temperatures between overnight: 24 and daily: 30°C and humidity levels of 50-70% in the outworld. In the nest - a constant temperature of 28°C and air humidity around 65-70%. They construct intricate nests by using the silk produced by their larvae to bind together materials like moss, grass, sticks, and dirt into a distinctive ball-shaped structure.

  • Polyrhachis dives colonies can grow remarkably large, potentially reaching tens of thousands of workers with multiple, up to 50 queens in nature (polygyne ant species). We have reached around 3000 workers in 3 years, starting with 7 queens and around 100 workers.

  • These ants are recognised for their courageous and dynamic behaviour, boasting superior sensation skills. When agitated, they might emit formic acid or try to nip in self-protection.

  • Though Polyrhachis ants are not capable of stinging, they can spray formic acid when they feel threatened.


Physical Characteristics

The Asian weaver ant, scientifically known as Polyrhachis dives, is a species that stands out due to its unique physical traits. The queen is around 12 mm long and the worker ants vary between 6-8 mm.


Care Requirements

Temperature and Humidity:

  • Ideal temperature range: 24-30°C

  • Humidity levels: 50-80%

  • Use a heat cable or heating mat for temperature regulation

  • Maintain humidity with regular misting or a large flat Greek sponge water reservoir


Diet and Feeding:

  • Varied diet of proteins and sugars

  • Protein sources: fruit flies, crickets or locusts and mealworms

  • Sugar sources: organic honey, sugar water, plant nectaries

  • Provide a constant supply of purified (mineral/bottled) freshwater


Why Polyrhachis Dives?

Polyrhachis dives, the Asian weaver ant, is an exceptional species that offers a unique and captivating experience for antkeepers and hobbyists.

  • Suitable for beginner antkeepers: This ant species is calm in manner and easy to control, making it an ideal choice for those just starting their journey with exotic ants or for more seasoned enthusiasts. They exhibit rapid development, especially once the colony has more than 30 workers. Being native to tropical climates, these ants DO NOT need hibernation. No more hibernation hustle.

  • Educational Opportunities: Tending to these ants gives us a priceless understanding of their intricate societal configurations, breeding tactics, and adjustments to their indigenous environments.

  • Unique appearance: The glistening metallic sheen, spikes, and silvery-golden bristles that embellish the workers and queens of Polyrhachis dives make them visually captivating.


An article you must read:  Everything You Need to Know About Polyrhachis Dives Weaver Ants


Our promise: The queen is guaranteed to be alive on arrival.

Polyrhachis Dives

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