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Pheidole Pallidula queen ant care

The Pheidole Pallidula is a small but powerful ant species that originates from South Europe. They are known for their aggressive behaviour towards other ants and their ability to quickly recruit towards feeding areas. However, they require a significant amount of food and will try to escape if they lack it, making it essential to have reliable escape prevention measures. These ants are a fascinating addition to any ant colony, and their unique characteristics make them a popular choice among ant enthusiasts.


An article you must read before you step into ant keeping:

How to look after a Lasius ants (Ant Farm at home)?


Please download the Ants' Care Sheet HERE


We post Royal Mail First Class ONLY.


Guarantee: The queen is guaranteed to be alive on arrival.


In case your queen is DOA please message us.


These ants are not native to the UK so if you do not want to keep and care for them anymore please do not release them into the wild. Contact us and we'll take care of everything.


Thank you

Pheidole Pallidula

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