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Giant Forest Ant Dinomyrmex gigas

Giant Forest Ant Dinomyrmex gigas


The queen is fully claustral but yet regular nourishment with a bit of our Protein Jelly every fortnight or so significantly reduces the chances of them consuming their own offspring and consequently, enhances successful propagation. As you know, most Camponotus species, like Camponotus Turkestanus and Fedtschenkoi, are very naughty and eat their eggs in case of food lack or if you are stressing the queen too much.Do not expect lots of activities for small colonies during the day as this species is nocturnal (foraging overnight) but once you get 50+ workers they will start hunting 24/7.Upon the emergence of the nanitics (first workers), the colonies exhibit true omnivorous traits, seizing every opportunity that comes their way. They exhibit a noticeable preference for baby crickets, mealworms and locusts, particularly when paired with a sweet supplement (Ant honey).

The queens are like tiny dinosaurs, ranging from 30 to 32mm in size, have a robust thorax and can live up to an astonishing 20-25 years. They are like the Camponotus pennsylvanicus but twice the size. The workers are huge too, and display polymorphism, with sizes ranging from 21 to 29mm. They share the same brownish-black colour as the queen. The Giant Forest Ant does not sting or spray acid but will bite your fingertip if you do not treat it well.Same as all Carpenter ant species, the Dinomyrmex gigas is monogyne (single queen per colony).

The world of Dinomyrmex gigas is indeed filled with wonder. These giant forest ants stand as a testament to nature’s incredible diversity and capability. They remind us that even the smallest creatures can have the biggest impacts on their ecosystems. So, let's raise our hats to these amazing ants – the Dinomyrmex gigas, the true giants of the insect kingdom!

If you intend to keep this species, you must consider maintaining humidity levels of 50-60% in the outworld and 60-70% in the nest area to ensure optimal conditions for these ants. Temperature-wise, keep the outworld between 21°C to 35°C and the nest area between 24°C to 28°C.

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