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 ant farm queen ants care

Your one-stop shop for all your ant-keeping needs


Queen Ants and Colonies, Ant Farms, Nests and Formicariums, Ant-Keeping Equipment and Essentials, Nutrition and Care

Queen Ants and Ant Colonies

lasius niger care

Lasius Niger
Black Garden Ant

lasius flavus care

Lasius Flavus
Yellow Meadow Ant

messor barbarus care

Messor Barbarus
Harvester Ant

myrmica rubra red ants fire ant care

Myrmica Rubra
Red Fire Ant

camponotus nicobarensis care

Camponotus Nicobarensis
Caprenter Ant

Camponotus Parius care
Acorn Ants Ant Farm

Ant Farm Starter Kits and Nests

Black ants ant farm for beginners
Acorn ants ant farm
ant farm Angie
ant farm kit for beginners for sale


ant farm kit with harvester ants messor barbarus large
Antie Plus MB ant farm kit

“If a thing’s worth doing, it’s worth doing well.”

Welcome to Best Ants UK, your one-stop shop for all your antkeeping needs. With over 20 years of experience, we offer a wide range of queen ants and ant colonies, starter sets, ant farms, nesting materials, Ant food and equipment. Our products are hand-made and carefully made to ensure the highest quality and durability, making them perfect for both beginners and experienced ant-keepers. Browse our selection today and start your ant-keeping journey with Best Ants UK. Trust the professionals.

Antkeeping with Best Ants UK

Why choose us?

  Are you an ant-keeping enthusiast looking for the best ant species and professional, handmade ant farms in the UK? Look no further! We are the ultimate destination for all your antkeeping needs. Our team of experts is dedicated to providing you with the best knowledge and the highest quality ants, ensuring a thriving antkeeping experience.

  Join our community of passionate antkeepers and discover the joy of antkeeping with us. If you're interested in joining our team of antkeeping experts, we offer opportunities for you to educate yourself or share your knowledge and passion with others. Whether it's through writing articles, hosting workshops, or participating in our online forums, we encourage you to join us in spreading the joy of antkeeping. Together, we can create a thriving community of ant enthusiasts and continue to educate and inspire others in the world of antkeeping. At our company, we are proud to offer a CO2-neutral shipping service. This initiative aligns with our commitment to environmental sustainability and reducing our carbon footprint. Last but not least, all of our products are fully recyclable and environmentally friendly.

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